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The Pacific Halibut Fishery of the Lower Mainland
Pacific halibut is a seasonal catch usually available for wholesale orders between March and October. Lions Gate Fisheries distributes Pacific halibut that are part of the Hippoglossus stenolepis family. Our reputation for supplying this species has earned us the unofficial title of being the “Pacific Halibut Fishery.”
The Pacific halibut is the largest member of the flatfish family, growing up to 267 centimeters (9 feet), and is more elongated than most flatfishes. They have both eyes on their dark or upper side. The upper side skin colour tends to assume the colouration of the ocean bottom; whereas, the underside is lighter. Halibut’s ultra-low fat content, dense and firm flesh has a light, "clean” taste that needs little seasoning and is good for steaks or fillets, as well as broiling, deep-frying and light grilling.
Contact Lions Gate Fisheries for a quote for wholesale Pacific halibut .